Quick Tips: Exercise and Diabetes

Exercise is an essential component to any good diabetes management plan. The benefits are high as you increase bone strength and density, improve muscle strength, lower your body fat and cholesterol, improve the way your body uses insulin, and reduce your risk of heart disease. Though there are many benefits, there are some things to consider when exercising with diabetes:

  • Keep a close watch on your blood sugar. If your blood sugar is too high, you should wait to exercise. Check your blood glucose levels before and after your workout to help you better monitor your levels. Talk to your doctor about your blood sugar limit to exercise.
  • Start your program slowly to avoid excessive stress.
  • Wear good shoes to protect your feet.
  • Do not ignore any pains that you experience. If there is a sudden pain, stop exercising and talk to your doctor if the pain persists.

Talk to your doctor about creating a fitness plan that is right for your body and type of diabetes. Be sure to use My Diabetes Home to help you manage your weight, cholesterol, and A1C, which will help you track how effective your fitness plan is.

photo credit: San Diego Shooter via photopin cc

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